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Hotline: 0755-29078051
Address: Room 201, No.1301-8 Guanguang Road, Longhua District,Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province,518110,China


785nm laser GL-785LD-500




  • High power 785nm laser light source with fiber coupling output

    Excellent stability

    0.1nm FWHM

    Three operating modes: CW, pulse and external trigger

    Easily integrated with spectrometers and other devices

    Compact, versatile and cost-effective

    Factory default fiber output interface is SMA905, and customers can choose other optical interfaces such as FC etc.

  • High power 785nm laser light source with fiber coupling output

    Excellent stability

    0.1nm FWHM

    Three operating modes: CW, pulse and external trigger

    Easily integrated with spectrometers and other devices

    Compact, versatile and cost-effective

    Factory default fiber output interface is SMA905, and customers can choose other optical interfaces such as FC etc.

  • Items Specifications  Units 
    Fiber Connector SMA905 or FC Upon request
    Center Wavelength 785 nm
    Output Power 0-500 mW
    Output Stability 0.5 %
    Threshold Current 300 to 350 mA
    Power Supply DC5/1.5 V/A
    Communication USB
    Cooling Mode Built-in TEC, with an outside heat sink
    Dimensions 135x75x35 mm
    Weight 300 g
    Expected Lifetime >10,000 hrs
    Laser Operating Temperature  20-30 °C
    Storage Temperature -90 °C

  • Instrument lighting

    Raman spectroscopy

    Material inspection

    Online inspection

    R & D in science and technology

    Customization etc.

  • Please submit your basic information, we will reply you as soon as possible!





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