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White LED Light Sources

White LED Light Sources




  • Fiber-coupled output of high-power white LED light source

    Excellent stability

    Three operating modes: continuous, pulse and external trigger

    Easily integrated with spectrometers and other devices

    Compact, versatile and cost-effective

    Default optical output interface is SMA905, other options include optical interfaces such as FC etc.

  • Fiber-coupled output of high-power white LED light source

    Excellent stability

    Three operating modes: continuous, pulse and external trigger

    Easily integrated with spectrometers and other devices

    Compact, versatile and cost-effective

    Default optical output interface is SMA905, other options include optical interfaces such as FC etc.

  • Items Specifications Units
    Wavelength Range 410-700 nm
    Fiber Connector SMA905
    Output Power 0-2 (Depending on the output optical coupling structure) mW
    Output Stability 0.31%
    Adjustable Light Intensity 0-100%
    Power Supply DC5/0.6 V/A
    Warm up Time 10 S
    Control PC
    Communication USB
    Lifetime 20,000 hrs
    Cooling Built-in TEC, with an outside heat sink
    Dimensions 150x97x40 mm
    Weight 470 g
    Storage Temperature -90

  • Instrument lighting

    Spectral analysis

    Material inspection

    Online inspections

    R & D in science and technology


  • Please submit your basic information, we will reply you as soon as possible!





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